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- 24/03/2023
The Twentieth Swimming Gala (B)
- 24/03/2023
The Twentieth Swimming Gala (A)
- 10/03/2023
Catholic Diocesan Primary Schools Joint Athletics Meet 2022-23
- 10/02/2023
2022-2023 Kowloon West Area Inter-Primary Schools Table Tennis Competition
- 07/02/2023
- 03/02/2023
Inter-class Basketball Competition 2022-2023
- 09/01/2023
Inter-class Dodgeball Competition 2022-2023
- 21/12/2022
Inter-class Badminton Competition 2022-2023
- 08/12/2022
My SFA Christmas Card
- 04/12/2022
粵港澳大灣區「邁向碳中和,灣區少年行」小學生攝影比賽季軍——3D 司徒孝禮
- 30/11/2022
2022-2023 P.1-2 Solo Verse Speaking Competition (Final Round)
- 07/11/2022
2022-2023 Kowloon West Area Inter-Primary Schools Football Competition
- 19/10/2022
2022-2023 Kowloon West Area Inter-Primary School Swimming Competition
- 12/08/2022
Specimen Drawing Competition
- 06/08/2022
- 12/07/2022
2021-2022 P.3 Story Telling Competition
- 30/06/2022
- 22/06/2022
- 07/06/2022
- 30/05/2022